The sweet 16ht is a very special party. And the ideas are the most varied. This is the party of my niece Nina. A very modern feast, which was inspired by the nostalgia of LP's, combined with the romanticism of arabesques and strong colors of Pink and Black the right combination.
A mesa grande retangular tinha um lustre que forramos de TNT Pink, colamos alguns cristais prata e rosa claro de vários tamanhos para um ar retrô, ficou muito chique.
The large rectangular table, had a chandelier that had covered Pink fabric, pasted some silver and light pink crystals of various sizes for a retro air, became very chic.
The large rectangular table, had a chandelier that had covered Pink fabric, pasted some silver and light pink crystals of various sizes for a retro air, became very chic.
As mesas redondas, tinham um lustre feito de taça de vinho tinto, e um papel especial cortado no formato (Este foi comprado, mas você pode fazer fácil) dentro, para não esquentar, compre uma vela de led. Os surplats eram LP's. Fizemos o miolo personalizado especialmente para a festa da Nina, e inspirados nele todo o resto foi combinado. Os guardanapos de arabescos foram comprados para combinar e dar um toque.
The roundtables, had a chandelier made of glass of wine, and a special paper cut in the shape (This was bought, but you can do easily). Inside, not to heat up, buy a candle led. The LP's were surplats. We customized the center especially for Nina's party , and it inspired the rest of all. The napkins arabesques were purchased to match and give a touch.
Nas mesas haviam um Cardápio para auxiliar os convidados a se localizarem sobre o que seria servido durante a festa. Tudo com a Logomarca criada.
On the tables, there were a Menu to help guests locate themselves about what would be served during the party. Everything with a logo created.
O Bolo, como sempre é falso, neste foi utilizado um papel de açúcar com arabescos da Wilton, e nos fogos de artifício acima do Bolo utilizei alguns mini-lp's, um sapatinho de crital e uma mini-bolsa de cristal rosa, ficou um mimo.
The cake, as always is fake, this was used a paper of sugar with arabesques of Wilton, and fireworks above the cake I used some mini-lp's, a high heel crystal shoe and a pink-crystal-mini-bag of ,
was a treat.
The cake, as always is fake, this was used a paper of sugar with arabesques of Wilton, and fireworks above the cake I used some mini-lp's, a high heel crystal shoe and a pink-crystal-mini-bag of ,
was a treat.
Cupcakes de baunilha recheados de nutella com cobertura de ganache de chocolate, hummm!!
Todos com pelotines de arabescos e com medalhas em LP's de pasta americana e papel arroz, tudo comestivel.
Lindo e gostoso!
Vanilla cupcakes filled with nutella, topped with chocolate ganache, hummm!
All with pelotines of arabesques and medals LP's of fondant and paper rice, all edible.
Beautiful and tasty!
Cake Pop's de chocolate com cereja ao maraschino estavam muito gostosos. No formato do bolo do aniversário, eram cobertos com chocolate branco por fora e pretos por dentro. Uma surpresa!
No palito a logomarca da festa novamente.
Cake Pop's, chocolate flavor with maraschino cherries were very tasty. In the shape of the birthday cake were topped with white chocolate on the outside and black inside. A surprise!
On the stick the logo of the party again.
Todos com pelotines de arabescos e com medalhas em LP's de pasta americana e papel arroz, tudo comestivel.
Lindo e gostoso!
Vanilla cupcakes filled with nutella, topped with chocolate ganache, hummm!
All with pelotines of arabesques and medals LP's of fondant and paper rice, all edible.
Beautiful and tasty!
Cake Pop's de chocolate com cereja ao maraschino estavam muito gostosos. No formato do bolo do aniversário, eram cobertos com chocolate branco por fora e pretos por dentro. Uma surpresa!
No palito a logomarca da festa novamente.
Cake Pop's, chocolate flavor with maraschino cherries were very tasty. In the shape of the birthday cake were topped with white chocolate on the outside and black inside. A surprise!
On the stick the logo of the party again.
Uma ideia da mesa de doces e das delícias servidas.
A view of the table of sweets and delicacies.
E por fim uma luminária feita de balões pink e preto com um balão cristal no topo, dentro dele um led piscante que deu um efeito bem legal. Haviam dois um de cada lado da mesa de doces.
Ficou uma graça.
And finally a lamp made of pink and black balloons with a crystal balloon on top, inside a led light blinking that gave a really cool effect. There were two, one on each side of the table candy.
He was one cuteness.
Espero que tenham gostado tanto quanto eu. Parabéns Nina!
Hope that you enjoy as much as I did. Congratulations Nina!